How many LinkedIn users are there in Slovenia. How much do they share?
How does this relate to the working population?
How many people change jobs, how many new accounts are created on a day?
What are the biggest companies in Slovenia on LinkedIn?
A lot of interesting stats en facts about the LinkedIn usage in Slovenia.
LinkedIn usage data and statistics for Slovenia - August 2019
Facts about Slovenia:
Number of habitants: 2,081,900 people
(according to World of Meters)
Capital: Ljubljana
Working population: 988,725 people.
In Slovenia there are 308,822 registered LinkedIn accounts. That means that 31.2% of the working population has a LinkedIn account.
Slovenia ranks number 17 in the relative usage over 44 European countries.
Over the past year, the number of LinkedIn users in Slovenia has grown with 7.8%.
LinkedIn member accounts in Slovenia
Absolute number of users
This graph shows the absolute number of registered members on LinkedIn for Slovenia.
Users VS Working population
This graph shows how much percent of the working population for Slovenia has a LinkedIn profile.
People have a LinkedIn profile in Slovenia.
of the working population has a LinkedIn profile in Slovenia.
Economic graph
Slovenia has a working population of 988,725 people. 31.2% of them have a profile on LinkedIn.
2.6% of the people works in Information Technology and Services. 2.1% works in Automotive and 2.% has a job in Computer Software.
Information Technology and Services |
7,991 |
Automotive |
6,403 |
Computer Software |
6,056 |
The most occurring functions in Slovenia are:
Function Group |
Number |
% of members |
Business Development | 23,172 | 7.5% |
Operations | 18,005 | 5.8% |
Sales | 14,613 | 4.7% |
Growth numbers for Slovenia
The LinkedIn population of Slovenia has grown over the past year with 7.8%.
Looking over the past three months there has been a growth of 1.5%.
Over the past year, there were 1,853 new members each month.
Meaning 428 per week, 61 per day, 3 per hour.
If Slovenia continues to grow at this speed, they will have 331,058 members by August 2020.
Slovenia ranks number 36 in Europe for growth.
Active posting on LinkedIn
In Slovenia there are on average 9 updates posted per hour, 206 per day, 1,445 per week and 6,263 per month.
That means that 1.8% of the LinkedIn users in Slovenia actually posted an update on LinkedIn in August.
Slovenia ranks number 23 in Europe for active posting.
Active posting over time
Biggest Employers on LinkedIn
University of Ljubljana
1,146 Employees on LinkedIn
1,168 Employees on LinkedIn
RTV Slovenija
990 Employees on LinkedIn
Company Pages
In Slovenia there are 5,884 registered Company Pages.
In August 2018 there were 5,662 registered Company Pages.
Number of registered Company Pages
Industry | Percentage |
Information Technology and Services | 9.1% |
Marketing and Advertising | 6.6% |
Computer Software | 4.4% |
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